Shannon Scott Shannon Scott

Navigating Social Media While in Eating Disorder Recovery and Healing from Negative Body Image

Social media platforms like Instagram and Tiktok have become an integral part of our lives, offering a platform for connection, information, and entertainment. However, for individuals in eating disorder recovery and those healing from a negative body image, constant social media exposure can be a double edged sword.

While it offers a platform for support and connection, it also presents significant risks. Exposure to weight loss ads, diet culture content, and unrealistic body standards can exacerbate negative self-perception and disordered eating behaviors.

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Shannon Scott Shannon Scott

Why Do I Eat Past the Point of Fullness?

Eating past fullness is a common experience that many people struggle with. It can be puzzling and frustrating, especially when we’re aware of our fullness but continue to eat anyway. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help us address it more effectively. Here are six common factors that can contribute to eating past fullness:

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Shannon Scott Shannon Scott

The binge restrict cycle

The problem with restricting food is that it sets off a cascade of physical and psychological responses, including intense cravings, hunger, and feeling out of control around food.

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Shannon Scott Shannon Scott

How to Build a Healthy Relationship with Food

Intuitive eating refers to the practice of listening to your body's signals and cues when it comes to eating. It's about relying on internal cues rather than external rules or regulations in order to build a healthy relationship with food.

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